1. Fill in the Administrator Application form found on the portal on the “Members” page. 

2. Be sure to fill in all the information on the form and check off all services requested for that assistant in the middle box. Ensure all signatures are on the form.  

3. If member load access is requested for the assistant, please make sure page 3 of the application is also filled out. 

4. Send the completed application to membership@sra.ca for processing. 

5. Upon receiving the application, the membership department will ensure all information is included on the form.  If anything is missing, it will be sent back for completion before proceeding with the application. 

6. If this is a new assistant who is not in our system, a new account is set up for the assistant, linking them to the correct brokerage and salesperson they are assisting.  If this is an existing person in the system, the membership department will verify the correct information is on file as well as add the salesperson to the assistant’s account. 

7. If this is a new assistant, an invoice will be generated to the brokerage for the setup fee of this person, and it will be sent by email to the brokerage. 

8. A welcome email will then be sent to the assistant providing them with their login for Matrix, any training dates/links, and any other pertinent information needed.  If Supra access was requested for the assistant, the Supra agreement is also attached to the email.  The salesperson or admin person that sent in the initial application will be cc’d on this email. 

9. Once the assistant sends in the signed Supra agreement (if applicable), a Supra account will be setup for them and an eKey is assigned, and instructions for setup are sent via email. 

10. The membership department will add this assistant to the membership tracker and will email various members of the office informing them of this change.  If any training courses are required, the assistant will also be added to the course tracker. 

11. The application will be filed in SRA records.