Matrix allows you to print out physical copies of listings in multiple formats. Follow the steps below to learn how.

1. Navigate to either a single listing, or list of listings (either by searching, using a Hotsheet, Market Watch etc.). If printing multiple listings, check off the boxes next to the listings you want to print.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Print

3. The next page will give you many options:

On the left is a list of all the different formats you can print your listings in. Rather than explain each one in detail, see the Preview details in step 4. The options on the right allow you to pick whether you want your branded header or footer, the search criteria, or photos included. If you selected Agent Full or Client Full, you will also have the option of selecting which tabs you would like to include: Listing, Property History, Photos, and Open House.

4. When you have finished selecting what exactly you would like to print, you have the following options:

Back to Results: This will take you back to your search results so you can make changes to your criteria.

Email PDF: Use this to send a digital copy to a specified address. You can use either an existing contact, manually enter an email address, or create a new contact.

Print to PDF: This will generate a PDF copy that you can save for your records, or to print later.

Preview: Use this option to see what the different options you selected look like.

Print: As you might guess, this button will send your final selection to your printer.